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  • Writer's pictureAshley Tussing

2021 Recipe Challenge

Updated: Dec 29, 2020

I have an unpopular opinion...

Or maybe more of a confession: I don't enjoy cooking. I have never found joy in any of the phases of putting a meal on the table: recipe planning, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning up after, on and on.

I know social norms state that as a wife and mother I should inherently love being in the kitchen and putting a yummy, healthy, home cooked meal on the table every night. But the thing about social norms is they are meant to provide order and predictability and that's just it, I am not predictable (our lives are not predictable!) and I know there are many, many other moms out there like me.

Anyone that can relate knows we also have a daily battle with ourselves - I should make something but getting something out wins, A LOT. But, I also don't love take-out, going out all the time, and our family definitely has a desire to be more thoughtful about what goes into our bodies. So here comes my 2021 [insert word here] (goal, resolution, etc.):

2x A Week Recipe Challenge - Ruh roh!

As a family we decided we are going to attempt a 2x a week recipe challenge. This means that during every week in 2021 (that we are not traveling) we are going to make a brand new (at least to us) recipe. That equals somewhere close to 100 new, different attempts at a meal in 2021!

This is going to be hard but feels like something to look forward to at the same time. Follow along I will post about every recipe (even the ones that fail!) and I have partnered with some fun friends and brands to keep things interesting and throw in a couple giveaways as we go. We start next week, here goes nothing!

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