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  • Writer's pictureAshley Tussing

Sweet Potato Turkey Chili

The first step in making change is the first step! We made our first new to us meal it is one I have seen jumping around social media so I decided to give it a go and since we weren't planning to start until the first full week of January we started early. Printable recipe card linked below.

My 3 favorite parts of this Sweet Potato Turkey Chili (found on Skinny Taste here) are:

  1. It is a hearty meal but only takes 35 minutes! I need fast and easy in my life.

  2. Lean ground turkey = good; but added sweet potatoes means we got vegetables in our meal = great!

  3. Avery and Nick helped, I am sure this novelty will wear off but for now I loved that it was a family affair.

When we make this again, I will likely add a white bean. I know that some think beans in chili is a cardinal sin but we are pro beans in our Chili over here! I will also add a bit more chili powder to boost the spice a bit.

Please no judgement here, we are still getting the hang of this cooking thing. But this was a decent meal especially on a cold dreary day. The spices gave the chili a unique taste and the sweet potatoes were soft and added just a hint of sweetness.

  • Look at all those spices: I officially have more then just salt, pepper and cinnamon in my pantry!

  • Mostly a one pot meal which makes clean-up easy

  • Check out my she cute or begging?!

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